
A vehicle designed from scratch and driven autonomously using a MLP.

Methods/Hardware used

  1. Multilayer Perceptron
  2. Sockets for live streaming
  3. Microcontroller (Arduino for transmitter and receiver)
  4. RF communication (nRf24L01+ for wirelessly controlling the bot)
  5. CPU on the bot(Raspberry pi 3 and camera for video capturing)

File description

Directory - /RcDriveTest

  1. - Control the car by your keyboard and test the RC car.
  2. /arduino/rc_key_controller - Arduino Controller using Uno and a nRF24L01+.
  3. /arduino/rc_keyboard_bot - Bot code.


  1. The remote (Ver 1.0):-


  1. The bot (Ver 1.0):-
Top Front
Screenshot Screenshot